Personal Finances

A group of individuals at a desk with a laptop and calculator working on financial planning strategies.

Common Financial Planning Mistakes to Avoid in Birmingham

Being prepared for your financial future is a critical way to ensure you have stability and security in your life. It’s easy to feel lost in information and uncertain as to where you can get credible advice. At Sovereign CPA in Birmingham, we focus on how our clients can make educated decisions about their finances […]

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CPA Firm | Birmingham, AL | Sovereign CPA | Tax Services

Why Life Planning Matters: Tips for Living Retirement to its Fullest With Proven Financial Strategies

Life planning incorporates more than just financial decisions.  There has been no radical change in the concept of retirement for the last couple of decades. In essence, you work, save, accumulate wealth, and then retire. But while the general trajectory is the same, retirement planning today requires the consideration of changing economic landscapes, increasing life

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CPA Firm | Birmingham, AL | Sovereign CPA | Tax Services

Investment Time Horizons: A Look at One Key Factor to Sound Financial Planning

If you go deep enough into any industry, there is plenty of jargon and terms that intimidate someone not deep in the lingo. Finance is no different and one of the reasons people often recoil when talking about their finances is that they feel out of their element. The insufficiencies of our education system to

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CPA Firm | Birmingham, AL | Sovereign CPA | Tax Services

The Basics of Estate Planning and Securing Your Financial Future

What happens to an estate worth millions of dollars that suddenly finds itself up in the air, without an owner or beneficiary? A lot! Family feuds. Lawsuits. Internal chaos. Most people don’t begin to talk about or think about estate planning when they are at the height of their professional careers. It does happen, however,

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CPA Firm | Birmingham, AL | Sovereign CPA | Tax Services

The Importance of Personal and Business Financial Planning

Henry David Thoreau—the beloved American essayist known for his love of nature and simple living—once said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” This can be read in two ways, and there is certainly some truth to both. Money is a mysterious thing. By itself, it doesn’t induce happiness, but it can allow for

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